Week 5=Midterms=Moving Out Soon=I Don't Wanna Go *Cries*

What's up everyone? My name is Ryan Hebert and this is my blog. If you have never been here before, welcome! It is always a pleasure to get readers new and old to come back again and again. Wow, it's been about a month since I've written to you guys, and I've got some explaining to do! Let's get started!!!

It is currently the start of Week 5 here at DePaul University. Most of my friends are escaping the

clutches of higher education and starting their summers within a couple weeks while I am here till the beginning of June. Jeez.. it kinda feels like I'm back in high school. LOL. Anyways, I am thrilled and also so very sad that my freshman year is just about over.

Me trying to enjoy the next 5 weeks
I have been here for 2 1/2 sessions out of the 3 total main sessions there are for classes. I have about 5-6 weeks left and that means I need to really enjoy all the time I have left. This year I have met countless friends and lifelong connections with some people that I sadly will not get to see every day next year!

One of these people being my wonderful roommate, Robert Pate. Why is the glorious Robert Pate so wonderful you might ask? Well, I will tell you. This is a man, who has to put up with my silly antics 24/7. I mean this guy has to go through some special kind of friendship hell with me sometimes. Whether he's playing a game on the Xbox and I'm yelling something random at him, or whether it's 1:30 am and I convince him to come with me to get food because I don't want to go alone. Robert is one hell of a guy. He has been the perfect roommate for me this year, and I wish him well for next year. He will finally be rid of me and my musical theatre.

Now I made that sound a little more extra than it probably is, but that's how I feel on the inside. I'm going to miss Robert. Whether it be his sarcastic comments, to his friendly ready to go attitude for whenever someone needs help. This guy is always there for you. Not to mention he has incredible parents and family that are super supportive as well. Rob, I'm gonna miss you, buddy.

Surrrr Sadddddd
I will also miss Cara and Aggie down the hall, the guys across the hall (Jack, Brett, Ben and Patrick), the Boston boys outside the common room (Sully, Mikey and Ryan), Elise and Ashley from the 2nd floor, and also Hayden from down the hall. Although, Hayden and I are now best friends and I will be seeing him again very soon! My suite mates Nathan and Nathan have been especially wonderful this year and I can't imagine living without them next year! Our magic games that would stretch into the early morning and eventually our DnD sessions are things I am never going to forget. Thank you all. I'll miss you all and I'm gonna try to not lose contact!!!

Now besides losing the dorm life next year, I have been in 4 classes for this quarter so far.

Spring Quarter Classes:

  • American History 1800-1900
  • Word 104
  • Performance Workshop 1
  • History of Dramatic Literature (Spring Quarter)

Each class has had its challenges and each one has had its incredible learning experiences. From learning some true eye-opening facts about the birth of our nation to a food-induced coma of English class to a funky, yet fun performance based class and finally, to a class where we focus on some of the most notable, yet not always popular theatre texts of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Each one has been great, and I am really happy to be ending with these classes for Freshman year.

Something else that is about to end in a couple weeks is my Spring Quarter Crew assignment. This is a mandatory requirement for all freshman to go through for each quarter of freshman year. I did costumes during fall quarter, ushering for winter quarter, and I currently stage managing an MFA Actor's Project show with a peer. The experience has been pretty good except for this spring. The woman in charge of stage managers has yet to meet with me, even when I'm two weeks out from being done, on how to actually stage manage a show. This is something the Theatre School must improve upon in the future, but I have managed to get by! (PS Super happy I'm almost done with it!!!) If you're curious about my fall classes for next year, I will be making a post in a week or two about those and my excitement for my Sophomore year!!!

I found this quarter lacked lots of busy work, I've had a lot of big projects and papers due after Week 4. So the first few weeks of the quarter gave me some free time that I had not felt at the beginning of the quarter. I have had to practice my time management skills extra hard in order to stay on top of all my big assignments!!!

Now besides school, my amazing girlfriend Izzy has been super busy as well! She is currently working 2 jobs xand is blowing me away with her hard work ethic and her goals to come out to Chicago for school next year. Even more exciting news... SHE SAID YES TO UIC!!! I get to have my baby girl in Chicago with me next year and I could not be more thrilled. We've kept up with our long distance relationship, and I won't lie, we've had our challenges here and there, but we have made it. The year is almost over, and I cannot wait to go back home and see her again in June! In fact, she is actually coming out here for the last week of school I have, and to help me pack up my stuff and go home! She's just so helpful and carefree. I love her so much. I cannot wait to see her in 5-6 weeks!

"WAIT RYAN! What are your summer plans?" Good question! I have the honor and privilege of
being offered the job of CIT at MSSA Summer Camp. I will be doing some teaching there for either some high school students of younger students. I am beyond ecstatic to be able to work with Ryan Dubray and the wonderful staff at MSSA. This job will last 5 weeks, so when August comes around, we'll see what I'll do!

Okay, friends, that's all I have time for today! Be sure to come on back for more about next year, and even more about my summer plans! Thanks for reading, tah-tah for now-  Ryan


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