Patriots Won The Super Bowl, I Don't Care.

Hey everyone, welcome back to another post from yours truly! My name is Ryan and I'm a Sophomore at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. For those of you who have never been on here to read what I've written, welcome! It is an honor to get your time and energy for a few moments of your time today! For those of you who have been keeping up with me and what I've been up to, welcome back! I'm so glad to have some dedicated readers! Well, let us get to it! Oh and if you did not know, I put pugs throughout this blog.

It's been a while folks. I know, I know, Ryan, a month is way too long for you to not write anything, what gives? Well, I'll tell you! I write when I get the energy and urge to do so. Sometimes that is every month, every week, even a couple days back to back. This is a blog not necessarily made for continuity, but for quality. Quality over Quantity, is that the right saying? I think it is.

My life has been a whirlwind this Winter Quarter at DePaul, and it's going very well so far. My roommates are doing very well and I'm getting along with them both quite well. My guess on social time going down in the winter because it is cold was very wrong. I have been with friends on a consistent basis every Thursday through Sunday if I'm not working.
If I could describe this quarter in one word, that word would be: Busy.

Here's why:
  • I've got 5 classes this quarter. 5 different assignments a couple times a week, and 5 different long-term projects and more!
  • A Weekly Radio Show on Wednesday from 10pm-12am
  • President of the Pokémon Club, DePaul PokéDemons has its responsibilities
  • My Pokémon Career of traveling and trying to earn an invite to the World Championships
  • I'm in a show (OMG RYAN WAT) Don't worry, I'll talk about that in a bit. 
  • I also have work a couple times a week, here and there. 
  • And excuse me if I have forgotten anything else, but there is a lot to remember. 

Winter Quarter this year has definitely been busier than last year. Expectations are a little higher and wanting to get A's presents itself as a challenging goal, but nonetheless, I am aiming as high as I can for this quarter. I'm currently in, American Funny, Design Workshop, Dramatic Theory, American Government, and Playwriting. If you would like explanations or thoughts on these classes, just sent me a message on here or on Facebook. They've all been very enriching and fun. I'm already in week 6 of 10 for this quarter so soon enough they will be gone!

Some stuff I've been doing on the side this past quarter include voice lessons with the talented Mark Elliott, Competitive Pokémon across the continental United States, and the occasional National Anthem for the DePaul Athletics Department! I've also been keeping up with the weekly radio show that I've been doing for more than a couple months now! It feels really good to be back on the air.

Probably the biggest news I've had on this "acting" blog is my work on the show Waiting For Godot.
I am playing the role of Pozzo. I look at him as a Mercutio and yet he has the playful air of a clown, such as the joker of some sort. Although Pozzo is not a villain, he is a man with a plan that eventually gets it all taken away.

I really would love for all the people I know to come see it. March 9th, 10th, and 11th. Room 410 of The Theatre School. Friends new and old, if you're in the area, and we've known each other for some time, come and see the show! Bring a friend if you want! The more the merrier! If you want to come and get a guaranteed seat (Since there are only 35 seats in the venue) let me know!

It's the first time I'm back onstage since my summer in New Hampshire as King Arthur in Spamalot. How time flies! My personal feeling on my return to the stage:
I'm nervous. Very nervous. Mostly on the one thing that always gets me; Line memorization. Being in front of an audience is what I love, but it's the messing up in front of an audience that gets me. While I know my fellow actors and I are capable of improvisation, I always want to stay as close to the script as possible. That way I can respect Samuel Beckett's vision of the work as best as possible.

Finally, I want to take a moment to apologize. I meant to get this post out at a sooner time but Midterms and sickness held me back from doing so! I hope everyone is well, and I'll be back to talk about Spring quarter soon enough! I just added all my classes the other day.

Tah-tah for now!

- Ryan


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