Hey, there everyone! Welcome back! For all of you who have been here before! For those of you who are new, Welcome! It is such a pleasure to have you here. My name is Ryan, and I am a student at DePaul University. I am currently studying Theatre Arts, and this is my blog! You may notice many Pugs on this blog, please enjoy them along with what I'm writing. They are complementary to different parts of the blog. Now without further ado, we're off!

The time has finally come where I will be on the air again, or at least on the internet again! I have applied to be a DJ at the DePaul Radio station and I got accepted, so that means your boy Ryan is gonna be back to play music for all to hear! I am so excited to be given this opportunity for a few reasons. First, music is awesome, and I love it. Secondly, I did radio in high school for all four years I was in high school, so I really miss the opportunity to go into the studio and actually have a show! Third, The Bird's Nest, my old radio show, is coming back, and being revamped! New music and styles being added to the show, along with new guests and hopefully, Co-Hosts!

I am back to being an employed member of society!!! I recently picked up a job at the DePaul Athletic Ticket Office and I will be working there over winter break! It turns out my time at Lindt Chocolate will continue as well! I'll be working at Lindt for the 2 weeks I am home during the break. I am so excited and grateful for these opportunities. I'm beyond words at this point. It's gonna be a fun break!

In more recent events, I did a really big live stream this past Saturday on Twitch, and it went really well! For all of you who don't know, Twitch is an online streaming platform providing content to those who would rather watch their favorite video games or video gamers. Personalities of all types exist on Twitch, and the site grows by the day.

Fall Quarter is wrapping up and I could not be happier. I'll be done with Philosophy and Film, probably the hardest class of the quarter, and I could not be happier. I am going to miss my Playwriting and my Performance Workshop 2 class. The chance to write and act this quarter has been so fantastic, I hope to get a recording of my scene in a couple weeks! Keep checking back here for more!

Fall Quarter also means the end of Dungeons and Dragons. Last year, I became a super nerd and started playing DND. I ran a campaign with a bunch of my friends this past quarter and we ended last week after 8 beautiful sessions. I'm going to miss my crew of 8, that eventually went down to 7. I appreciate their support, efforts, and their ability to surprise me in our last session. It was an amazing run, and I hope to go at it again in the Spring!

Before I get super personal, I will give a warning that after I talk about Pokémon, I'm going to give an update on how I'm doing. So if you're here for the ride until I give a personal check in, this is the part where you can step off until next time!

This December I will be headed to Memphis, TN with one of my new best friends, Kyle, to compete in the last big VGC event of the previous season! It will be my first time in Memphis, and in Tennessee! I am so excited to travel and spend a whole weekend there for Pokémon. I think this experience with Pokémon has allowed me to get to know some amazing people, and it is allowing me to travel around the country with the help of DePaul SAF B as well.

Finally, let's get down to how I am doing. First off, I want to say that I am doing better now. I am doing better now because of me and my supportive friends and family. I am not 100% at all, but each day is a new day, and I take it as I can. Some days are lower than others, and some days I am as high as a kite. Not on drugs of course, but you understand. I'm still hitting the gym every day and sticking to it! I've almost been at it for a month now and it's definitely starting to pay off!

The real big question on my mind and probably some others is if I miss her or not. The answer is yes. But it's a complicated one. I am not in the same pain I was almost a month ago, but it's different now. You never stop loving someone after a long period of time. It goes both ways in that regard. It's just that now, it's turning into a faded memory instead of it being a present reality.

The feelings come and go and hopefully, I'll be back on track soon enough. I've been able to keep up with my classes and clubs so I can see the Winter Quarter is going to be a wonderful new year for me. I am so excited for the holidays and I cannot wait to see what my future holds in store for me.

Phew, I think that is enough for now everyone! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to me at any moment. I'm here for everyone. Thank you and Tah-tah for now!-



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