
Showing posts from March, 2017

SPRING BRAKE YOOOO and A Pokemon Tournament (Set Included)

Hey, y'all! Welcome back to Acting in the Groove with your writer, Ryan B. Hebert, and gamer, Ryan (Pb) Hebert. For all of you who do not know me, I am a current freshman at DePaul University, studying at the fabulous, The Theatre School. Thanks for stopping by to do a little bit of reading today! Let's get started! It is now Sunday, which means that Spring Break is coming to a close and that I am 10 weeks away from Summer! AHHH! So much to do in such little time, am I right? I am so sad that my freshman year is coming to a close, but I am so excited at the same time.  Chicago has been amazing, and I love DePaul so much! I also cannot wait to meet the new freshman that come in next year as freshmen. My hope is that I can get back to doing some shows next year since I will not have my mandatory crew assignment anymore. (BTW the crew assignment could be a number of jobs for shows that are unpaid labor, it is what freshmen are most useful for).  I do have one more as

A Transcendentalist Guide To Surviving Finals? (Not Really)

Hello, everyone!!! Thanks for coming back again to read another blog post by yours truly. If you have never been here before, welcome! I am so happy to have you. Now without wasting any more time, let's do this! Reaching for my goals Finals week is finally here at DePaul University and that means a couple things. First of all, it is the week before Spring Break and there is nothing I want more than to get through the upcoming stretch of a week. While I count myself lucky since I only have one in-class final, that means I have projects and papers galore. These projects allow me to tap into my creative side and get really interested in some topic of choice. Ultimately, I thought of what to write and I felt overdue on writing a play because I have not spent much time playwriting this quarter. So like the dog on the right, I tried my best to test the waters and see what I could do. What I ended up with: The History of Institutionalized Grapes Yeah, I know, w